Tuesday, November 13, 2012

the Giving Tree

  For the month of November, the GHLC will have a giving tree set up   
 outside the library to collect medical supplies for a mission in Tanzania.
 The items will be donated to the
Machame Hospital with the Nebraska
 Synod mission
trip via Becca Ludwig and family.

“The mission trip from the Nebraska synod has been going to Tanzania for many years now and works really closely with the chaplain of the hospital.  When I took a tour, they had overcrowded wards, no privacy for the patients, poor sanitary protocols, and a lack of medical supplies.  There were patients who had to walk for two days to get to the hospital and receive any medical attention.  I talked to a few pregnant women who had been in the hospital for a few months because their journey was too far to take as their due date approached.  The hospital has all open air rooms, no air conditioning, no mosquito nets, and no food for the patients.  The patients have to bring their own food or have family members bring them supplies on a daily basis.  Most of the personnel working at the hospital received their degrees at schools in the area and would be so grateful to receive any supplies to help them succeed as medical professionals.  They have the knowledge and passion to help their patients, they simply need the proper equipment to do so!”
- Becca Ludwig on Machame Hospital, Tanzania
Some of the items they have requested include:
Lab coats (mostly small and medium)
Latex gloves
Pocket Clinical handbooks for Tropical Medicine
Spiral notebooks
Flash drives
Plastic eye screens for surgery
To learn more about the Machame Hospital in Tanzania, please click here.

And to find out more about how you can get involved serving an underserved community, visit the Global Health Learning Community website, click here.  
If you have any questions about the "GHLC Giving Tree", please contact Becca Ludwig, rludwig1@slu.edu.


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