Preparing future doctors to address the needs of the world.
Every year, a number of our students dedicate some part of their summer to the service of others by working in conjunction with SLU or through outlets they have found on their own. We at the GHLC want to highlight those students who, through their service, are building bridges between our institution and those in need, and to encourage others to follow suit.
The Global Health Learning Community is proud to have hosted a variety of lectures, electives, and other events. Take a moment to browse the event archives below, organized by academic year.
The Global Health Learning Community at Saint Louis University School of Medicine is committed to providing students with opportunities to engage in the service of the undeserved and to equipping them with the resources needed to make a profound and lasting impact on the practice of medicine.
The Mission of Saint Louis University is the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of God and for the service of humanity. The University seeks excellence in the fulfillment of its corporate purposes of teaching, research, health care and service to the community.
It is dedicated to leadership in the continuing quest for understanding of God's creation and for the discovery, dissemination and integration of the values, knowledge and skills required to transform society in the spirit of the Gospels.
As a Catholic, Jesuit university, this pursuit is motivated by the inspiration and values of the Judeo-Christian tradition and is guided by the spiritual and intellectual ideals of the Society of Jesus.
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