Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dr. Tom Dooley Memorial International Elective Scholarship Program 2012-2013

The Dr. Tom Dooley Memorial International Elective Scholarship Program was established to help defray travel expenses for medical students participating in an international externship during Year 4 of the School of Medicine curriculum.

The intent of this fund is to inspire students to follow the footsteps of Dr. Tom Dooley, SLU Med. ‘53, caring for thousands of refugees in Southeast Asia. This scholarship program exists as a memorial to Dr. Dooley and his commitment by providing an opportunity for medical students to enhance their understanding of medicine in a less developed and underprivileged country. An international elective allows students the chance to broaden their clinical skills and judgment in a setting unlike the U.S. health care delivery and training system as well as achieving personal growth and enrichment through close contact with another culture.

Post-Elective Report GuidelinesThe report should include equal information about both your cross-cultural experiences and your project. We need to be able to tell from your report that you worked on your project and what the outcome was. Your observations on the uniqueness of the setting in which you lived and worked and the effects of the experience on you as a U.S. medical student are important components of the report. The report should be a minimum of three pages long.
  • Please include the dates of your trip and the name and contact information for your overseas preceptor.
  • These reports are used to help other SLU medical students plan for international experiences, so it is entirely appropriate to include “tips.”
  • The report should include at least two photographs. If you do not want to give us an actual photo, please feel free to make a copy of your pictures.
  • Reports are due in the Office of Curricular Affairs within 30 days after the ending date of the elective.
  • Reports received late may not be eligible for reimbursement.
  • Original receipts totaling the amount (or more) of your award should be included (e.g.: airfare receipt, lodging, etc.).
Click here to download the application
For more information about the Dr. Tom Dooley Memorial International Elective Scholarship Program, contact Denise Parker dparker6@slu.edu 314-977-8077.

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