The application must be submitted to the Global Health Learning Community (GHLC) by December 30th at 11:59 pm. Applicants should use their first semester of school to demonstrate their passion for global health through service (see Year 1 requirements below).
The application must be submitted to the Global Health Learning Community (GHLC) by December 30th at 11:59 pm. Applicants should use their first semester of school to demonstrate their passion for global health through service (see Year 1 requirements below).
Once acceptance is granted into the Global Health Distinction program, the GHLC will assist the student in choosing a faculty member to serve as his or her mentor. The mentor is charged with following the progress of the student, aiding in the search and development of projects and providing guidance throughout the experience.
Award Guidelines
1. The student must remain in good academic standing as determined by standards set by the Committee on Student Progress and Program Planning.
2. The student must participate in longitudinal global health service opportunity that consists of active involvement with a community or population.
3. The student must write reflection papers at the end of each year describing the projects he or she has completed and knowledge he or she has gained from his or her experiences.
4. The student must complete a Global Health Immersion Project and present it in the community or an educational setting.
5. A portfolio of the student’s initial application, tracked experiences with written reflections, and Global Health Immersion Project components will be provided by the student to the GHLC. The GHLC will verify that all requirements were met and recommend the distinction to the Saint Louis University School of Medicine.
6. All aspects of the Distinction must be completed and submitted to GHLC no later than 10 weeks prior to graduation.
The Global Health Immersion Project
The student should identify a personally engaging topic within global health from which he or she will design a project. This project will serve to focus the student’s gained experiences and knowledge into an applicable mission that serves to aid the global health community.
The Global Health Immersion Project may be fulfilled during any year of medical school.
General Project Examples:
- Clinical Research
- Basic Science Research
- Project Abroad
- Project with international populations within the United States
* All projects must be approved by the GHLC.
** The Global Health Immersion Project may not be shared among the other distinctions.
Detailed Requirements
Year 1
- Engage in a minimum of 40-hours of longitudinal global health service to aid you in identifying a community to work with and an issue to address for your future project. You are encouraged to participate in a GHLC elective to assist you with this task. Submit service hours to GHLC by May 1st for approval.
- Attend at least three out of six workshop sessions in Year 1 and 2.
- Receive a GHLC Mentor within the first semester of acceptance into the distinction. It is the student’s responsibility to reach out to the mentor.
- Submit the Year 1 reflections by May 1st of the first year of medical school.
Year 1 Summer
- Engage in a minimum of 60-hours worth of global health service and/or research aimed at understanding the issue you will be addressing, identifying stakeholders, and developing your project.
- Submit first draft of 5 Key Questions Packet project proposal by August 15th.
- Submit summer service hours to GHLC for approval by August 15th.
Year 2
- Meet with Chair and Service chair of the GHLC within the first month of school to discuss immersion project and mentor needs.
- Engage in 40 hours of longitudinal community service and submit service hours to GHLC by March 15th.
- Develop answers to the 5 Key Questions to guide your immersion project- final draft due March 15th (or before you begin your immersion project).
- Submit reflection by March 15th.
Year 3
- Submit the 3rd year reflection by May 1st of the 3rd year of medical school.
- Meet with mentor at least once a semester and provide summary of progress to GHLC chair each semester.
- Demonstrate two forms of advocacy regarding your project – this includes a lunch meeting, newspaper editorial, photography gallery, video presentation, etc.
- Continue making project improvements, apply for grants, measure success and record challenges.
Year 4
- Implement the immersion project (if not already done so).
- Create a poster that will frame your project and will serve as the basis for your poster presentation in year 4.
- Identify an incoming distinction candidate or first year to take over your project or work on alternate sustainability measures.
- Present your immersion project, your findings, and your successes at the GHLC.
- Submit your 40 service hours and 4th year reflection to GHLC by May 1st.
- There will be a separate format for fourth year reflection.
For more information please submit questions through the "Contact" link along the top right of this webpage.
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